The Empire has become too powerful
for the Jedi; the galaxy lives in fear of the ever-so
powerful Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. With Han
frozen in carbonite in Jabba's palace, Luke and the others must rescue
him. Alongside with the many dangers, comes the largest Empire weapon,
a second Death Star. The fight for the galaxy only begins; the battle on the forest
world of Endor, the final destruction of the Empire, and Luke discovering the very truth
about the identity of his father and sister.

Time Setting:

The setting around this episode is when Luke Skywalker is well into his twenty's and everyone is older. Although Luke is older, his training in the Jedi Arts and his knowledge of the Force is not absolutely complete.

Luke fights his father, Darth Vader


The characters in Return of the Jedi include: the much older Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, C3-P0, R2-D2, , Chewbacca, Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine.

"The Force will be with you Luke, always."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi

Imperial Base on EndorThe Release:

The release of Return of the Jedi, once again built up enormous lines around the globe, in its release in the mid 80's. The final chapter of the Star Wars saga had finally arrived and now, the only thing the fans had to do was go and see it.

Han Solo


The first location in Episode VI, is Tattooine, where Jabba the Hutt keeps Han, frozen in carbonite in his palace. Later, Luke and the others travel to the forest planet of Endor, which is inhabited by furry, bear-like creatures- the Ewoks. They all live in a village and help the Jedi in destroying the base of the second Death Star's Deflector Shield. This, was called the Battle of Endor. Back, up in space, the Jedi and the Empire raged on a war, using every weapon they had; destroyer ships, lasers, the Death Star.

"Luke, help me remove my helmet. Let me see you, with my own eyes.""
-Anakin Skywalker


The enemies are still the same, even from A New Hope. They include Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, the ever-so powerful Empire leaders.

"Now, young Skywalker...you will die."
-Emperor Palpatine

Return of the Jedi Poster:

You can view the original Return of the Jedi movie poster, which features Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fighting each other, some Ewoks, Emperor Palpatine, and the battle in space. View it here.

The Saga has Ended

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