The peaceful kingdom of Naboo has come to a crisis.
Queen Amidala of Naboo is in desperate need for help. The Trade
Federation has taken over the land of Naboo in an attempt to
have Queen Amidala sign the treaty, allowing them to settle on their
territory. The hostile actions of the Trade Federation caused the
Republic to send two Jedi warriors to put an end to the situation,
unknowing that could be a phantom traitor in their midst....

Time Setting:

The Phantom Menace takes place thirty years before the birth of Luke and Leia. Episode I centers around two Jedis; Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, and the future of one boy's destiny. The boy is Anakin Skywalker, who will begin is journey to become a Jedi, but along the way, the Dark Side has just began. Anakin's fate is yet decided; "Your future is clouded," according to Yoda. The Phantom Menace basically revolves around the early childhood of Anakin and his coming to be a Jedi with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as his new master, after the death of Qui-Gon.

Anakin and his mother, Shimi Skywalker


The characters in Episode I are as followed: Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson), is a Jedi Master who's apprentice is a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGreggor). The young queen they are trying to protect from the evil Trade Federation is Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), of the Naboo. Along the way, they also meet a fellow Gungan, Jar Jar Binks who's mischievness gets him into trouble. When Qui-Gon and the others land on the planet of Tatooine, they meet a mysterious boy, Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lyold), and his mother, Shimi Skywalker (Pernilla August). Then at a podrace, the group meets Sebulba, a dangerous dug or cheats to win. The Trade Federation is still going to force the Queen to sign the treaty, and when Queen Amidala returns to Naboo to protect her people, the senator (Ian McDirmid) accomplains her in a commitee. A traitor is in a their midst, but it's unknown who it is. When they arrive at Coruscant, Anakin goes to the Jedi Counsel, where he is questioned and examined by Jedi Masters such as Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and Yoda (Frank Oz). Battle Tanks, Droids, and fighters have surrounded the planet of Naboo, as well as inhabited the land. Now only the Jedi, the Gungan army, the Queen and her protectors can save the people of Naboo.

"I had a dream I was a Jedi..."
-Anakin Skywalker

The Release:

Episode I's release on May 24, 1999, was an enormous event to many of the Star Wars fans out there. Even before the movie's release, many Star Wars fans camped outside movie theaters at least 4 days before it came out, to get tickets. The fans wore Star Wars caps and played with toys from the movies, set up tents and chairs, ate snacks, read, and waited. Then finally, it was the arrival date. Tickets literally sold out like hot cakes.


Queen Amidala's palace

The locations in The Phantom Menace included two new planets and two old ones. The first location was Naboo, where Queen Amidala lives and rules. The Trade Federation has invaded Naboo and wants it for keeps. Most of the scenes taken of Naboo was actually from parts of Italy. The Tatooine scenes were shot in the Tunisia desert. Tatooine is the home world of Anakin, Shimi, and Luke Skywalker.

"I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die, while you discuss this invasion in a commitee!"
-Queen Amidala
Duel of the Fates


The enemies of Episode I are Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, and the Trade Federation. The Phantom Menace refers to Senator Palpatine, who's Darth Sidious, as well as the Phantom Menace. Get it?

Episode I poster:

The poster for Episode I is what seems to be a painted mural, featuring Qui-Gon Jinn, the young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin, Queen Amidala, C3-P0, R2-D2, and a podracer. View the poster here.

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."
-Darth Maul


I think that Episode I was pretty impressive in visual/special effects, but the story seemed so different and somewhat simple from the three previous movies. It seemed to me and some other people, that George Lucas sort of "lacked" with the professional relationships with his actors/actresses. The acting was okay, but the actors were only saying their lines, and Lucas wasn't guiding them, to make their performance better. However, this is only my opinion, so it may differ from other people.

Queen AmidalaThe deal with Watto
"I can only protect you, I can't fight a war for you."
-Qui-Gon Jinn
The Saga Continues...
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