Episode II Teaser Trailer

Download the fan teaser trailer from the front page, where the link is.

recent news::

(9-26-00) Recent news that shooting for Episode II has completed earlier this week. Now, Lucas and the rest of his film crew will begin working on the computer simulations and animations for a year and a half. Geez, filming only started in July, and it's already done!(9-12-00) Shooting location has been moved to Seville, Spain, where possible shots or scenes of Naboo will be filmed. More info at the official Star Wars website. (8-28-00) In recent news, the production of Episode II has been completed for the parts in Sydney Australia. Now, the filming will move to one of their desert locations, according to other sources. Also, the movie's title will probably be released sometime late next year, around November (like how it was for Episode I), or maybe in 2002, around the time period Episode II is released into theaters. Most likely perhaps, the title will appear in the trailer. (8-6-00) This is the first report for this webpage. Soon enough, Jedi-Fan might become a website. For now, it's just a webpage, reporting news on the upcoming "Star Wars" movie, Episode 2. Since this is the first week or so of this webpage being up, we're still getting info to post on this page. So be patient and the Force will be with you shortly. The news that we have so far is accurate but some info about the upcoming movie is sketchy, due to the fact that the movie will come out two years.


(8-28-00) Filming has been completed for Episode II in their first location, Sydney, Australia. Now their next location will be in a desert area, probably to film scenes for Tatooine. (8-6-00) The filming for Episode II has already started in Sydney, Australia. If there are some scenes that will include Naboo, then filming will eventually move to Italy and possibly the Tusinia Desert for any Tatooine scenes.

episode ii set pics

George Lucas has begun releasing photos from the set of Episode II on his website, three weeks ago. He'll release one photo every week on Friday. We have a quick Hyperlink to the spot on the site, so check it out and come back.

back story::

If you're going to watch Episode II, you might as well know the story. It's not such a secret thing you know. Anyway, Episode II basically talks about Anakin, of his coming of age, becoming more involved in his training and the Force. There is also another being, who keeps their eye on Anakin, waiting for the perfect time to seduce Anakin to the Dark Side of the Force.

star wars humor

Last year, when The Phantom Menace opened out in theaters, there were many, many spoofs of "Star Wars". One of those spoofs were comic strips, drawn by Bill Amend, for Foxtrot. You can check out their "Star Wars" comic-spoof on their site. Click here to go there.


In Episode 2, you'll be seeing just a few new and old characters. Anakin Skywalker is now 19 year old, Queen Amidala is now 25, Mace Windu is back like Obi-Wan Kenobi, and more. Check out the stuff below to see the actors/actresses and who they play in the movie.

Actor/Actress Character
Hadyn Christissen Anakin Skywalker
Natalie Portman Queen Amidala
Ewan McGreggor Obi-Wan Kenobi
Samuel L. Jackson Mace Windu
Ian McDiarmid Senator Palpatine
Anthony Daniels C3-P0
Kenny Baker R2-D2
Frank Oz Yoda
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