
The part of the sky where the gas mining colony, Cloud City floats above the land and home to twin moons. Bespin is located along the Ison Corridor. The planet of Bespin is a peaceful place. Everywhere you go, clouds will engulf you in their mass.


Probably, the busiest planet in the galaxy. The top businesses are stationed on this planet. It's home to many buildings, as well for the Sith headquarters. The Sith hide supposedly hide underground, away from possible detection.


The home world of the tribal Ewoks, furry life-forms that look somewhat like a small bear that can walk on two legs. The second Death Star had their shield generator built in in the forests of this planet. The evil Emperor Palpatine tricked Han and the rest of the Alliance into going to Endor, where there were many groups of Stormtroopers waiting for them.


The ice world in the galaxy. It served as a base for the Rebel Alliance after the destruction of the first Death Star. Several creatures live on this planet, but they all have to be able to withstand the enormous cold.


The home planet of Queen Amidala, when she ruled. This planet is the home of the citizens of Naboo and the water creatures, the Gungans. At first, the two worlds did not approve of each other, but when the Trade Federation was threatening the planet, they had no other choice but to join as one and defeat them.


Anakin and Luke Skywalker's home planet. The desert planet homes many small businesses and slaves, since the Republic does not exist there. Many strange creatures live on the planet and is also controlled by the alien gangster, Jabba the Hutt.

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